Quality politics

Quality politics

Quality politics
As a development of the objectives of ACS INSERTA, the Management wants to formally express with this statement, the quality policy established for this Company. The activity of ACS INSERTA, a wholesale distribution of advertising and promotional gift items, is framed in a dynamic and globalized environment in which excellence in service and management is a necessary requirement for competitiveness, survival and progress.

Personalized and professional attention to customer suggestions, complaints and concerns will allow us to anticipate and provide a permanent response to their needs and expectations.
Analyze the degree of customer satisfaction to incorporate the appropriate improvements.
Give all the phases of our process a proactive character and establish the necessary actions to prevent non-conformities, ensuring that the results are in accordance with the established objectives.
Commit ourselves to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements of our activity, as well as respect the agreements with our clients.
Involve all members of the organization so that in the development of their functions they can continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality system. For this, the company undertakes to ensure the dissemination and understanding of the Quality Policy.
Provide the organization with the necessary resources to meet the objective of continuous improvement.

