General conditions
Presentation and information art. 10 LSSICE
Welcome to the website (hereinafter, the WEBSITE). The WEBSITE is owned by the company AGENCIA COMPRAS Y SERVICIOS INSERTA, S.L. (hereinafter, ACS INSERTA), with C.I.F. B70533112 and registered office at Avda. Otero Pedrayo. Arena 76 Building. Polígono A Gándara. 15570 NARÓN - A Coruña
The company is registered in the Mercantile Registry of A Coruña in volume 3628, folio 205, page C-56294.

Access to and use of the WEBSITE is regulated by this LEGAL NOTICE, so we recommend that you read it carefully.


Use of the WEBSITE
Accessing and using the WEBSITE implies, on the one hand, the attribution of the condition of User; and, on the other, the acceptance of this LEGAL NOTICE. This shall be understood without prejudice to other particular conditions that may be contemplated on the WEBSITE for other services, such as, for example, the purchase of products.

If the User does not agree with any of the conditions contained in this notice, he must stop using the WEBSITE immediately.

The User is solely responsible for their access, navigation and use of the WEBSITE. PROMOINSERTA asks the User to communicate, as soon as possible, any fact or circumstance of which they are aware that could be suspected of violating the rights of third parties or any other anomaly that it detects on the WEBSITE, via email sent to the address

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
ACS INSERTA is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property exploitation rights (specifically, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation) over all the elements contained in the WEBSITE that are the subject of this discipline. Specifically, by way of example, but not by way of limitation, all texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographic works, mere photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases and images are included within this protected content. on any of the pages and subpages of the WEBSITE.

Likewise, the Industrial Property of the distinctive signs, designs and inventions contained in the WEBSITE that are the subject of this discipline also belongs to ACS INSERTA.

ACS INSERTA in no case authorizes the download or use by third parties with a commercial nature, and / or for purposes that are not strictly private and non-profit, of the assets protected by Intellectual Property and / or by Industrial Property to which the two refer previous paragraphs, unless there is an express written authorization, assignment or license from ACS INSERTA for each specific case.

In no case will it be understood that the User's access and navigation through the WEBSITE implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said Intellectual and / or Industrial Property rights by ACS INSERTA.

In the event of a contradiction or interpretative disparity between the provisions of this LEGAL NOTICE and the statements or provisions in any section of the WEBSITE, the provisions of the former will always prevail.

Processing of personal data
In accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 (LOPD)


It is possible that ACS INSERTA may have to collect personal data through the WEBSITE at some point, such as through the purchase process.

The collection and processing of the User's personal data will be governed by the provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY provided on the WEBSITE, which must always be expressly accepted by the User prior to the provision of said data.

Treatment of personal data of candidates
At AGENCIA COMPRAS Y SERVICIOS INSERTA, S.L. We treat the information you provide us in order to keep you informed of the different vacancies for a job that fits your profile that occur in our organization. The data provided will be kept until the assignment of the job or until you exercise your right of deletion and never for a period exceeding 12 months. The data will not be transferred to third parties. You have the right to obtain information about whether AGENCIA COMPRAS Y SERVICIOS INSERTA, S.L. We are treating your personal data, so you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data and opposition and limitation to its treatment before AGENCIA COMPRAS Y SERVICIOS INSERTA, SL, Avda. Otero Pedrayo Edificio Arena 76. Polígono A Gándara , 15570 NARÓN - A Coruña or at the email address, attaching a copy of your ID or equivalent document.

Likewise, and especially if you consider that you have not obtained satisfactory